Saturday, December 09, 2006

[Video] Mar de Itapuã Capoeira

This is a video of some Mar de Itapuã Capoeira members doing solo's. It's rare that I find a video with such young capoeiristas who can perform acrobatics and static poses. A few of them don't look older than 11 and they can do some pretty cool stuff, check it out.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

[Technique] Negativa Angola

image taken from capoeira basics

The negativa angola is a takedown move which works by sweeping away the attackers planted leg when they are executing a kick or doing something in which their weight is distributed unevenly on their legs such as evading or leaning backwards.

image taken from Scott Sanner's personal homepage

In the above image you can see an example of how the negativa may be applied against a meia lua de compasso by sweeping the planted leg in the opposite direction of the kick to takedown the opponent.